Automate Your Rent Collection As a full-time Canadian real estate investor or landlord, you only have enough time in the day, and that time...
Cutting The Cost of Repairs Stay Out of the Repair Business One of the worst things that a full-time Canadian real estate investor despises...
How To Pick The Best Tenants As a full-time Canadian real estate investor or landlord, we only have enough time in the day to...
The Role of a Personal Assistant As a full-time Canadian real estate investor, we must be actively creating massive and passive income for ourselves...
How to collect like you are collecting 13 cheques months rent As a full-time Canadian real estate investor, we will own many types of...
How To Establish Property Values In Less Than One Second As a full time Canadian real estate investor, we may be recieving calls at any...
Detecting Mortgage Fraud – Part 3 If you missed the previous article – Detecting Mortgage Fraud – Part 2 As a Canadian real estate...
Creating an Entourage of Experts – Part 6- Choosing an Insurance Agent If you missed the previous article – Creating your Entourage of...
How To Get Rid Of Bad Tenants Part 2 In the last article I spoke about the conventional way of how most landlords take...
How To Get Rid of Bad Tenants Part 1 As a full-time Canadian real estate investor, we must do our best to create massive...