Flipping before closing
Wholesaling is when you wholesale a fixer upper property to a rehabber. Purchase a property no more than 30-60% of its value. LIVE training will teach you to buy deep discounted Canadian real estate properties. Traditional wholesale deal will allow you to find a cash buyer to assign. Properties that need major repairs are great for builders and renovators.
Wholesale real estate
When you wholesale a property subject-to due diligence for 30 banking days it is called a pretty house. Subject-to subject gives professional real estate investors the chance specialize in purchasing properties. Investors cash will never be used as well as your credit. However, in order to purchase a property, you should get at least 40 % discount for the back end profit. The real estate investment is a numbers game.
Way to Make Money in Real Estate
For fast closing wholesale real estate deal, this is what is required For example, A Canadian home seller is willing to sell his property in a hurry from 40-60% below value. They need all cash and closing within a short period of time. This real estate deal is good match for Canadian hard money lenders as well as joint venture partners. This property will be the security for Canadian hard money lender for fast closing. You can assign the deal before closing and get paid assignment fee.
Due Diligence
Due diligence is required before assigning this wholesale real estate deal. You must have a copy of appraisal done by Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute (AACI).
Comparable market analysis and 3 estimates from contractors required to assign the deal really fast.
Canadian real estate investors can take over deal provide you go through proper channel
Wholesaling Canadian real estate is not for amateurs.
Once you have a purchaser enters in the contract, make sure due diligence and assignment clause are in place.
Then start marketing to fellow Canadian real estate investors at http://www.preigcanada.com/forums. Start promoting How to Buy your deal far below current value. Get paid by assigning this deal to Canadian real estate investor.
Please learn how to do this by attending Canadian real estate strategy apprenticeship (CREISA) so you are not wasting precious leads.