Continuous Advertising
As a full-time Canadian real estate investor, we want and must create massive and passive income for ourselves. We will go out of business really quickly, or become a very part-time investor if we wait for one or two realtors to solely bring us deals. We need to advertise on a regular basis to bring deals to us. We want our phones to be ringing off the hook with potential deals, speaking with leads every single day, and making offers on a daily basis.
Using the Internet
How do we create deals for ourselves?
Well we have spoken in previous articles about building a birddog network whereby we have people that are working for us, bringing us deals. We’ve talked in previous articles about marketing through bandit signs, magnetic signs on cars and other forms of networking. In this article we want to understand the benefits of using the internet.
Electronic Advertising
There are dozens if not hundreds of free advertising sites on the internet. The best ones being Kijiji and Craigslist. We must be able to, on a regular basis, advertise on the internet using these (and other) sites. We must advertise regularly and have the discipline to advertise regularly on these sites and understand the tricks of utilizing these sites to be able to advertise on a regular basis.
It is also good idea to create your own website whereby you are describing all of the services that you provide so people can see that you are a credible real estate investor. Having a website solidifies that sort of image.
What words should I put on my site?
On this site you will need to describe that you help/rescue people that are having financial trouble with their properties, that you can purchase properties quickly, that you can close fast, that you have rent-to-own programs, that you provide funding for deals, and you can help people save tax legally and be able to defer capital gains to just name a few.
We go into many of these strategies in our training programs including internet marketing and we will touch on them in future articles.
So in closing, please have the discipline to regularly advertise on these sites, and your phone will start ringing with deals.
Happy advertising!
P.S. Take Action now to attend the eye-opening seminar and walk away with confidence, knowledge, and specific “action ideas” that can help you achieve your dreams and leave the rat race behind.
We have been training Canadian Real Estate Investors since 1993
Your success is our Passion!