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As a full-time Canadian real estate investor, we must continue to do many things that will drive business to us  so that we can create a massive and passive income. Just having a realtor or two that brings deals to you is not the way to become successful as a full-time Canadian real estate investor.

As a full-time real Canadian estate investor, we are our business. If we stop promoting ourselves, (by that I mean promoting our business), then our deals will stop.Successful Networking

Successful Networking

Advertising – Revisited!

We have spoken in previous articles about diverse ways of advertising. Advertising needs to draw on various forms of business. By that I mean we need panic sellers that are ready to sell; we need people to assign properties to; and we also need people to joint-venture with.

Your joint-venture network will be a division of your business that will keep business coming in. For this to be effective, we need to be continuously and successfully networking in order to bring other business in, and create new ties with other people that we can do business with.

Successful Networking is the key.

Successful Networking

Well firstly, we need to understand where are the people that will be able to help me? Where are the people that I can joint-venture with?

Most of the larger cities will usually have  real estate investing networking groups. If you haven’t heard of these groups, please go to This is one of the largest networking groups in Canada today and it is associated with and/or has other factions in places like Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Kelowna as well as the Toronto region. PREIG Canada is soon to include Winnipeg, Regina, Halifax, and Ottawa.

Where can I find Successful Networking opportunities?

You should join your local chamber of commerce or board of trade. These are excellent places to network with professionals who understand your business and who can drive business to you.

Networking, however,  is not restricted to just attending these types of meetings or being a member of a club.

Successful Networking is speaking about your business to everyone, every day, wherever you go. Telling people that you give referral fees if you close on a deal is a great incentive for people to start bringing their business to you.

That means that you can network with everybody, anywhere you go, and tell them what you do in order to drive business to you.

How to network once we are actually in front of someone?

We will get into the specifics of what to say and how to present yourself in the next article.

But in this article I would like to say that we need to create a presence in these meetings, whereby we are known as the people who help people with real estate deals.

Now if we are in a room of realtors, we want to be able to tell them that you can close on properties quickly, that you can potentially find buyers for them, and/or you can provide interest-free down-payments for their buyers. (This is a strategy that we cover in our Canadian real estate trainings.)

If you are in a room of mortgage brokers, it would be important to be known as the person who could help their clients with the down-payment, and therefore qualify for their deals.

To other investors, you want to be able to joint-venture. We will speak of joint-venture in another article, but you want to be able to joint-venture with these people in order to increase your business and do more deals.

We also want to encourage these investors to come to us if they are having problems with any of their properties in any way, and/or be able to find them deals.

Happy and successful networking!

Canadian Wealth Builders offers many unique, practical, out of the box real estate investor trainings which offer the student hands on, in the trenches style instruction. To find out more, please go to

P.S. Take Action now to attend the eye-opening seminar and walk away with confidence, knowledge, and specific “action ideas” that can help you achieve your dreams and leave the rat race behind.

We have been training Canadian Real Estate Investors since 1993.

Your success is our Passion!

Navtaj Chandhoke

Your success is our business!
Navtaj Chandhoke
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