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Increasing Real Estate Marketing Efficiency

As a full time Canadian real estate investor, we must go outside of the “conventional” methods of getting business. The average real estate investor relies almost 100% on a realtor to bring them their deals. To be full time, we must strive to work smarter to create massive and passive income for ourselves. The best method to create an influx of business, just like most businesses is through marketing.

How then do we market as a real estate investor?

There are various techniques that must be done on a regular basis to ensure so your marketing is in front of the public both in the city or town you regularly work in, but other cities or towns as well. We must continuously increase traffic coming to us. Online advertising, bandit signs, stickers, direct mail, are all necessary disciplines that we need to continue regularly. Let’s begin with online marketing.

Kijiji and Craigslist, and various other similar websites are looked at by the public on a regular basis. In the real estate areas, the average person can be looking for relief from a situation they are in by either looking to sell or finding somebody who can remedy their situation quickly.

How do we increase the efficiency of our marketing?

must put online ads out on a regular basis because your ad will soon drop to the bottom of the first page, then move to the second, then third. After that you ad will rarely been seen by the public because it has dropped to page 4 and so on. You must regularly delete your ads and re post them.

The ads you post should be strategically placed where you feel you are getting the best ‘bang for your buck’. By that I mean if you have a sign that says “We Buy Houses Fast”, and you post them in places where desperate people are looking you will have calls coming to you.
Canadian Wealth Builders offers many unique, practical, “out of the box” real estate investor trainings which offers the student hands on, in the trenches style instruction to facilitate both a different mindset as well as a successful and lucrative real estate investment business. To find out more, please go to


Your success is our business!
Navtaj Chandhoke


Navtaj Chandhoke

Your success is our business!
Navtaj Chandhoke
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